full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Céline Valéry: The dangers of mixing drugs

Unscramble the Blue Letters

In spite of the dznyizig number of possible interactions, most of the dangerous interactions with commonly used drugs are well known. And new developments in sncecie are henplig us keep better track of drug interactions than ever. Some researchers are developing AI pmoragrs that can predict the side effects of drug interactions before they occur, using information about the landscape of protein iionentrtacs within your body. For the new drugs that are being developed all the time, supercomputers are being used to find potential interactions while those drugs are still in dvemlepeont.

Open Cloze

In spite of the ________ number of possible interactions, most of the dangerous interactions with commonly used drugs are well known. And new developments in _______ are _______ us keep better track of drug interactions than ever. Some researchers are developing AI ________ that can predict the side effects of drug interactions before they occur, using information about the landscape of protein ____________ within your body. For the new drugs that are being developed all the time, supercomputers are being used to find potential interactions while those drugs are still in ___________.


  1. dizzying
  2. science
  3. development
  4. programs
  5. interactions
  6. helping

Original Text

In spite of the dizzying number of possible interactions, most of the dangerous interactions with commonly used drugs are well known. And new developments in science are helping us keep better track of drug interactions than ever. Some researchers are developing AI programs that can predict the side effects of drug interactions before they occur, using information about the landscape of protein interactions within your body. For the new drugs that are being developed all the time, supercomputers are being used to find potential interactions while those drugs are still in development.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
drug interactions 5
blood thinners 3
pain relievers 2
internal bleeding 2
prevent blood 2
potentially causing 2

Important Words

  1. ai
  2. body
  3. commonly
  4. dangerous
  5. developed
  6. developing
  7. development
  8. developments
  9. dizzying
  10. drug
  11. drugs
  12. effects
  13. find
  14. helping
  15. information
  16. interactions
  17. landscape
  18. number
  19. occur
  20. potential
  21. predict
  22. programs
  23. protein
  24. researchers
  25. science
  26. side
  27. spite
  28. supercomputers
  29. time
  30. track